DOMI ToF sensor solution realizes more efficient, safer and more reliable automated intelligent logistics

May 23, 2022

Logistics is one of the two fastest-growing markets for machine vision applications alongside intelligent robots. The main applications of machine vision in intelligent logistics are barcode and QR code recognition, product safety inspection, etc.
Barcode and QR code reading devices typically support one of two applications: automatic data capture (ADC) and automatic detection (AI). Handheld ADC scanners for retail, point-of-sale, express delivery and warehouse management are based on lasers, line imaging sensors or array imagers. AI scanners are typically stationary code readers used in industrial installations and parcel sorting applications.
Today imaging sensor arrays offer superior performance and reliability, and there is a growing trend to replace laser-based line imagers. DOMI ToF sensor can be easily integrated into scanners, whether for ADC or AI applications.
Product safety detection means that when collecting barcode and QR code information, the ToF sensor simultaneously collects the graphics, size, weight and other information of logistics products, and processes images of products to monitor images of dangerous goods. Contrast, so as to improve the safety of logistics and transportation.
Volume and distance measurement. DOMI ToF sensor solution supports 3D measurement for volume and distance measurement. Use volume measurement to track the dimensions of various packages in fully automated warehouses; distance measurement ensures risk-free movement of robots in automated warehouses.
DOMI ToF sensor provides key components for all 3D technologies, as well as 1D ToF sensor solutions that fully support single-zone/single-object and multi-zone/multi-object detection functions.
DOMI ToF sensor solution realizes more efficient, safer and more reliable automated intelligent logistics.

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