As a professional ranging instrument, 3D depth camera also needs to master a lot of skills to give full play to its capabilities.In recent years, 3D depth cameras have been increasingly used in smart home, unmanned driving and volume measurement.
Because of the advantages of high precision and long ranging range, lidar has directly driven a group of companies to carry out various research and development and production of lidar after the emergence of unmanned driving technology. However, there are generally problems of high cost of lidar technology and low feedback frame rate, which makes some applications impossible.
Indoor mobile robots usually require higher frame rates and higher resolution lidars due to their different operating speeds and scenarios from outdoor autonomous vehicles. Due to the cost of multi-line lidar, most indoor mobile robots currently use single-line lidar for positioning, navigation, obstacle avoidance, etc., but due to natural defects, single-line lidar cannot build a complete depth scene. Therefore, another camera that directly performs depth imaging, including binocular, structured light, tof camera etc., has become the need for more projects.
Time-of-flight (TOF) depth cameras measure the distance from an object to the camera by measuring the time from when light is emitted to when it is reflected back to the camera by the object. ToF camera uses the most direct measurement method for depth imaging, obtains better depth information with the smallest computing resources, and realizes the construction of depth scenes with a higher frame rate.

Unlocking Precision and Speed: The Power of DOMI Direct Time-of-Flight Technology
DToF, also known as Direct Time-of-Flight, is a type of ToF sensor. DOMI has a variety of DToF that are used in various application such as computer...